November 14, 2011

Thankfulness, Parts 12, 13, & 14

12) I'm thankful for little things that lift my spirits: short excursions to Starbucks for something seasonally yummy; looking at Madeline's blond curls brushing her shoulders; the sound of David cooing; an inspirational quote posted by a friend on facebook; Dan's hand reaching over to rub my shoulder as we spend some "us time" every evening.
Thank you, God, for little reminders of how good life is.

13) I'm thankful for my ecclectic taste in music. Blame it on parents who didn't listen to the same radio station and made sure I was exposed to every kind of music so I could choose for myself and didn't like something just because other people did. Wouldn't it be great if we could all make informed decisions about everything, instead of just picking something because someone tells us we're supposed to?
Thank the good Lord that with all that music, car rides never have to be boring.

14) I'm thankful that my follow-up appointment with Dr. T is later this week, and hopefully I'll be able to return to normal activities, like picking up and playing with my kid!

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