November 10, 2011

Thankfulness, Part 10

I'm thankful for our church, and the freedom to worship there. I'm thankful that we can get up every Sunday morning and go to church, hear God's Word proclaimed, and nurture our relationship with Christ, and we can do it without persecution.

Every day, Christians are arrested, imprisoned, or worse, for the crime of worshiping Christ. It may not happen under our noses, but it happens more frequently than we care to think about when we're dressed up in our Sunday best, sitting on a plush pew in a climate controlled, beautiful sanctuary. So many of our Christian brothers and sisters are kneeling on a dirt floor, whispering prayers and living in fear of what will happen to them if they are caught praising God.

Thank you, Lord, that I can worship you when and where I please and teach my children to do likewise. I can keep this blog and have multiple Bibles in my home and pretend that the whole world has the same freedom. But in truth, it's all because of Your grace.

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