November 1, 2011

30 Days of Thankfulness

1 Chronicles 16:34 "Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good; his love endures forever."

Throughout the month of November, I will be counting my blessings and sharing those things for which I am thankful. There may not be 30 posts, but there will be 30 blessings posted here (at least).

Today, I'm thankful for my husband. I don't say it enough, and I certainly don't tell him enough, but I am so grateful for a husband who genuinely loves me and our children, and shows it every day.
I was so worried for so many years that I was going to be the proverbial "old maid" who lived alone with 137 cats. I even had a pastor tell me once that she didn't see me as being married; she saw me as a wise old woman who lived in a remote village and helped others with their children. I still don't know what vibe I was exuding to make her think that.
Now, I'm forever and profusely thankful that God always knows better than I do. God knew that I wouldn't be happy with just any man. So, He set aside a husband who treats me as his equal, who respects me, who sees more good in me than I see in myself.
God set aside a husband for me who takes care of me and our kids when we're sick, who puts the needs of his family before his own wants.
I couldn't ask for more. I couldn't love him more.

Thank you, God, for Dan and for knowing me better than I know myself.

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