November 2, 2011

Thankfulness, Part 2

Having just come home from David's two-week appointment with Dr. G, and having heard a great report on my sweet little boy, I'd like to express my thankfulness at having two beautiful, wonderful, healthy children.

I can barely remember what life was like before Madeline, and I don't want to. A good friend once told me, long before I became a mom, that if I thought I loved Dan, just wait until I had children; it would blow my mind. She was absolutely right.

There is nothing like loving these incredible gifts that God has provided us and watching them grow. They are His, on loan to us and entrusted to our care. He has put them in our safekeeping and is relying on us to direct them, to shape them, to love them unconditionally. I can't think of a responsibility that I would be more willing to accept.

Yes, I know what a blessing it is that we were able to conceive these two angels, that they were born healthy and strong, and that we have the means to take care of them - and then some. God has been so good to us.

Thank you, God, for Madeline and David. I need Your guidance to be the mom You have planned for them. Help us to provide all the love and instruction they need to bring Your plans for their lives to fruition.

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