November 18, 2011

Thankfulness, Part 18

I'm thankful that I have all five senses.

If there were a fire in our house, I would be able to hear the smoke detector and get myself and the babies to safety. For the past year and a half or so, I have been able to hear my sweet Madeline's laughter, and I can't think of any sound that brings more pure joy. When David is hungry, I can hear his little cries so that I can feed him.

I can see my kids growing. I can see and appreciate those lush fall colors I can't seem to shut up about. I can see to drive, which gives me the freedom to come and go as I please.

I can smell bread baking, fresh flowers, David's sweet little baby smell, and grapefruit (yum!). I can also smell poopy diapers, which isn't pleasant, but it helps me take care of my children.

I can feel my husband's touch. I can show him and my babies how much I love them with lots of snuggles and nuzzles. And then, there's the feel of sheets that are fresh and warm from the dryer. Ahhh....

I can taste my coffee, pasta with plenty of basil and garlic, a good glass of red wine, and pretty much anything with cream cheese icing.

Lord, thank you for creating all these wonderful things to enjoy. And, thank you for giving me the senses to enjoy them. Help us remember to devote our time and help to those who lack one or more of these, and, and thank you for giving them your comfort.

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