November 15, 2011

Thankfulness, Part 15

Madeline's birthday party is in two weeks. (If you haven't received an invitation yet, be patient. I ran out of stamps.) So, I'm looking around our townhouse thinking, "Where the heck am I going to put all these people?? We're outgrowing this place. I need a bigger house!"

NEED? Really? Dan and I have a very nicely furnished bedroom, and so do each of our kids. If we need to go tinkle, we have our choice of three (relatively) clean places to go and do that. This place is climate controlled all year long. We have electricity, running water, a place to wash our clothes, our dishes, and ourselves in clean water, and shelter from the elements.

I could go on and on about what we have here.

And yet, I complain that the space we occupy might not be as large as someone else's. I worry what other women will think when they come in and see that I don't have all the storage space in the world, so things that should be put away are out in full view.

The truth is, I have a nicer place to live than most people in the entire world. Shame on me for expecting more.

Thank you, God, for providing a roof to go over our heads. Please don't let us forget those who will lie down tonight with nothing but the ground for a bed and the sky for a roof.

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