November 30, 2011

Thankfulness, Part 30

In my final post on thankfulness, I'd like to thank God for giving me the desire to help others, to educate, and to be a good wife and mom. I'd also like to thank Him for the ability to do all those things.

On that note, loyal five people who read this, I'd like to encourage you to discover what God has called you to do and do it with gusto. You've been called to a purpose for a reason. Embrace it!

Peace and Love,

November 29, 2011

Thankfulness, Part 29

I'm thankful that I have people in my life who are positive and compassionate. Often, I need reminders to embody those two traits, myself.

I also need reminders that life is not about ME. In the grand scheme of things, nothing will matter except that I shared love and joy with those who didn't have any, and shared what I had with people who needed it more than I. And, that's not about me.

Thank you, God, for the reminders of what really matters.

November 28, 2011

Thankfulness, Part 28

Today, I'm thankful that God seems to finally be pushing the pause button on the warm weather and ushering in some glorious winter days. There's even talk of snow in the forecast!


November 27, 2011

Thankfulness, Part 27

I'm thankful for the season of Advent.

I love this time of anticipation of the coming Christ. I love everything from the candles to the month-long series of carols being sung at church to the feeling that something wonderful is about to happen.

That's what Christmas is all about, Charlie Brown. These are the values we want our children to have.

I've said this before, but I can't say it emphatically enough. We do not want to raise our children with the idea that Christmas is all about the gimmes. It's about hope, love, joy, and peace - all those wonderful gifts that Christ brought with him to Bethlehem and the whole world.

Presents? Sure! But, Advent first. Anticipate the incredible mystery that is the birth of our Savior first, and then receive.

November 26, 2011

Thankfulness, Part 26

I think I said this last year, but I'm thankful for reliable transportation.

Anyone who has ever said a prayer as they tried repeatedly to turn the key in the ignition knows this feeling.

Thank you Lord, for my means of transport and for getting me from one place to another safely.

Thankfulness, Part 25

I'm thankful for long naps. For me, when I get the opportunity, but mostly for the long naps my kids take that allow me little snippets of time to catch up on a cup of tea, a slice of cheesecake, and a movie adapted fro a Jane Austen novel.

It's good to have a few minutes to oneself to collect one's thoughts.

November 24, 2011

Just a Couple of Thanksgiving Pictures!

How David spent his first Thanksgiving.

Playing in the leaves, or as Madeline calls them, the "piddy yeeps!"


Goodnight, and Happy Thanksgiving!

Thankfukness, Part 24

Happy Thanksgiving, one and all!

Today, I'm just thankful. That's it. I'm thankful for all of it. It's all a part of God's master plan, and He deserves our thanks and praise.


Thankfulness, Part 23

I'm thankful that there are two Starbuckses (yes, that's spelled correctly. Look it up.) near enough to my house that I can knock out my get out of the house/need a quick pick-me-up fix pretty quickly.

November 22, 2011

Thankfulness, Parts 19, 20, 21, & 22

19) I'm thankful for moments when my Madeline looks at me and says, in her precious little voice, "Mommy princess!" Thanks, Sweet Pea!

20) I'm thankful for nights when David sleeps 4 hours at a stretch. That's only happened a couple of times, but last night was one of them. Although I don't relish the sleep deprivation, he's only going to be this little once, and he won't always want to cuddle with me in the middle of the night.

21) I'm thankful for the grown folks' time Dan and I spend together in the evenings, watching TV shows on which no one sings, counts, or recites the alphabet. I'm thankful for the opportunity to sit side-by-side with my husband and talk about our day, make plans, etc. He really is my best friend.

22) I'm thankful that I have spent the entire week, thus far and continuing tomorrow, catching up with true, dear friends whom I don't see often enough. I can think of a few more with whom I'd love to sit at the table and share coffee and conversation. In the meantime, I'm thankful for social media that keeps us in touch.

November 18, 2011

Thankfulness, Part 18

I'm thankful that I have all five senses.

If there were a fire in our house, I would be able to hear the smoke detector and get myself and the babies to safety. For the past year and a half or so, I have been able to hear my sweet Madeline's laughter, and I can't think of any sound that brings more pure joy. When David is hungry, I can hear his little cries so that I can feed him.

I can see my kids growing. I can see and appreciate those lush fall colors I can't seem to shut up about. I can see to drive, which gives me the freedom to come and go as I please.

I can smell bread baking, fresh flowers, David's sweet little baby smell, and grapefruit (yum!). I can also smell poopy diapers, which isn't pleasant, but it helps me take care of my children.

I can feel my husband's touch. I can show him and my babies how much I love them with lots of snuggles and nuzzles. And then, there's the feel of sheets that are fresh and warm from the dryer. Ahhh....

I can taste my coffee, pasta with plenty of basil and garlic, a good glass of red wine, and pretty much anything with cream cheese icing.

Lord, thank you for creating all these wonderful things to enjoy. And, thank you for giving me the senses to enjoy them. Help us remember to devote our time and help to those who lack one or more of these, and, and thank you for giving them your comfort.

November 17, 2011

Thankfulness, Part 17

I'm thankful that Dr. T has given me the go-ahead to continue with normal activities - including picking up my Sweet Pea!
It's good to have my life back.

November 16, 2011

Thankfulness, Part 16

I'm thankful that my family is clothed and shod.

I don't need to tell you how many people can't say that. Unless you live under a very large rock, you already know.

You know what's great, though?

There are so many people who are struggling to keep their families clothed, yet they find the time and words to count their blessings and be thankful, anyway.

November 15, 2011

Thankfulness, Part 15

Madeline's birthday party is in two weeks. (If you haven't received an invitation yet, be patient. I ran out of stamps.) So, I'm looking around our townhouse thinking, "Where the heck am I going to put all these people?? We're outgrowing this place. I need a bigger house!"

NEED? Really? Dan and I have a very nicely furnished bedroom, and so do each of our kids. If we need to go tinkle, we have our choice of three (relatively) clean places to go and do that. This place is climate controlled all year long. We have electricity, running water, a place to wash our clothes, our dishes, and ourselves in clean water, and shelter from the elements.

I could go on and on about what we have here.

And yet, I complain that the space we occupy might not be as large as someone else's. I worry what other women will think when they come in and see that I don't have all the storage space in the world, so things that should be put away are out in full view.

The truth is, I have a nicer place to live than most people in the entire world. Shame on me for expecting more.

Thank you, God, for providing a roof to go over our heads. Please don't let us forget those who will lie down tonight with nothing but the ground for a bed and the sky for a roof.

November 14, 2011

Thankfulness, Parts 12, 13, & 14

12) I'm thankful for little things that lift my spirits: short excursions to Starbucks for something seasonally yummy; looking at Madeline's blond curls brushing her shoulders; the sound of David cooing; an inspirational quote posted by a friend on facebook; Dan's hand reaching over to rub my shoulder as we spend some "us time" every evening.
Thank you, God, for little reminders of how good life is.

13) I'm thankful for my ecclectic taste in music. Blame it on parents who didn't listen to the same radio station and made sure I was exposed to every kind of music so I could choose for myself and didn't like something just because other people did. Wouldn't it be great if we could all make informed decisions about everything, instead of just picking something because someone tells us we're supposed to?
Thank the good Lord that with all that music, car rides never have to be boring.

14) I'm thankful that my follow-up appointment with Dr. T is later this week, and hopefully I'll be able to return to normal activities, like picking up and playing with my kid!

November 11, 2011

4 Weeks Old!

Love that sticky-uppy hair!

Thankfulness, Part 11

Today is Veteran's Day, and the Head family is thankful for all the men and women who have put their lives on the line to ensure that we can feel secure.

Lord, thank you for sending those who have answered the call of duty. As for those who are currently serving, please keep them safe and bring them home to the people who love them.

November 10, 2011

Thankfulness, Part 10

I'm thankful for our church, and the freedom to worship there. I'm thankful that we can get up every Sunday morning and go to church, hear God's Word proclaimed, and nurture our relationship with Christ, and we can do it without persecution.

Every day, Christians are arrested, imprisoned, or worse, for the crime of worshiping Christ. It may not happen under our noses, but it happens more frequently than we care to think about when we're dressed up in our Sunday best, sitting on a plush pew in a climate controlled, beautiful sanctuary. So many of our Christian brothers and sisters are kneeling on a dirt floor, whispering prayers and living in fear of what will happen to them if they are caught praising God.

Thank you, Lord, that I can worship you when and where I please and teach my children to do likewise. I can keep this blog and have multiple Bibles in my home and pretend that the whole world has the same freedom. But in truth, it's all because of Your grace.

November 9, 2011

Thankfulness, Part 9

I am thankful for mommies who refuse to participate in the Mommy Wars.

That's it.

November 8, 2011

Thankfulness, Part 8

The side of our refrigerator is littered with the beautiful faces of sweet babies whose parents have sent us announcements of their arrivals. Our own childrens' birth announcements are among those, and Madeline's is the only pink announcement on the whole fridge. :)

I'm thankful for all those precious children and the joy they bring to their parents and to us.

Lord, bless those children with health, love, and joy. I pray that each of them chooses Your path.

November 7, 2011

Thankfulness, Parts 5,6, & 7

5) I'm thankful for small things that I take for granted on a daily basis. You know, things like disposable diapers and running water. I'm thankful for fleece pajamas when it's chilly at night, for a cell phone that I can use to call someone if there is ever an emergency, for reliable transportation, and for a warm, soft bed.
Thank you, God, for your provision. You really do spoil us sometimes. I hope I never forget to tell You how much I appreciate it.

6) I'm thankful for things that make me laugh. I know some of you think I don't have much of a sense of humor and that I don't laugh often enough, but that's not true. I just don't make any sound when I laugh. Anyway, I'm thankful for irony and satire. I'm thankful for my kids (and kids in general), cats, dogs, The Andy Griffith Show, Friends, Adam Sandler, and books by Gavin Edwards. I'm especially thankful for jokes shared between me and Sara V, stuff Sheryl says, Jakki's anecdotes, memories of making up alternate lyrics to songs with Misty, and my husband's constant reminders that if we don't laugh at ourselves, we'll cry our eyes out.
Lord, thank you for the gift of laughter, and for making your own sense of humor evident.

7) I'm thankful for decent medical care. I know we all complain about how the healthcare system operates here in America - whichever side you're on - but, think about how it could be. I just had a baby by c-section. He was delivered by a competent doctor in a sterile room. I have now had two children knowing that my prenatal care was there to ensure that my children and I were safe and healthy.
Thank you, Lord, that when I am sick or injured, there are board certified, educated doctors available to help me feel better and I don't just have to suffer. Big, huge thanks that both my children are here and healthy.

November 4, 2011

Thankfulness, Part 4

Today, I give thanks that we have family and friends who love us.
Even though so many of them live entirely too far away, there has been no end to the calls, text messages, emails, facebook messages, etc. from people who care and want to know how the baby is, how Madeline is adjusting, how we're doing, how I'm healing, or just want to let us know they're happy for us.

It meant the world to me when one of my dearest friends, who now seems a world away even though it's only three hours, just wanted to know if I was having a better day than the one before.

There have, so far, been four women in my MOPS group who have volunteered to come over to help with dinner. That may not sound like much, but it's a huge help when you can't do much else but sit on the couch and feed the baby. Besides, I've only been to two MOPS meetings. These women don't even know me.

Thank you, Lord, for putting people in our lives who simply love us - no strings attached. Help us to return that love back to them.

November 3, 2011

Thankfulness, Part 3

When I was in graduate school, I had a professor who grew up in Ghana. He took a few moments of our class time once to explain how the education system works there.
In Ghana, only children whose parents can pay for their education are allowed to go to school. When a child turns 12, he takes the test. I know that in our current educational situation here in the U.S., THE TEST means whatever standardized test the teacher is required to give that year and have every student pass, regardless of circumstances, in order to keep his or her good standing as an educator. That's not what it means in Ghana.
The test is what determines whether or not a child is allowed to continue his education. If the student passes the test, he is allowed to return to school. If not, the child is put to work and the government chooses his job. The jobs given to these children are on the bottom rung, and that is the person's job for life.
The process is repeated three times before the child is an adult. The jobs assigned improve slightly with each test, but it always works the same way.

College? Ha! Only if the child's parents are very, very rich. We're talking royalty rich.

Did you notice I only used male pronouns? Yeah. Girls are not allowed to be educated at all.

So, today, I'd like to give thanks for my education.
I was not only allowed, but required by law to be educated for at least 11 years. Yes, I whined and complained just like every other kid about going to school and doing homework. But, what a gift! I can read and think for myself and make my own choices. How many people in the world would love to have that chance??

My gender makes no difference. We may have different degrees, but I have as much education as my husband and no one told me not to. I chose to be a teacher. No one chose that for me.

Sometimes, I feel guilty because I have had the opportunity to acquire as much education as I want, and I still want more. I mean, there are girls who can't lawfully even read their own names, and I'm pouting because I don't have a Ph.D. or because I'd like to finish what I started in seminary. (Yes, CTS friends who read this. You told me so. Another post.) Whine, whine, whine.

Thank you, God, for the opportunity to be educated and do something with my life. I pray that I never take this gift for granted.

November 2, 2011

Thankfulness, Part 2

Having just come home from David's two-week appointment with Dr. G, and having heard a great report on my sweet little boy, I'd like to express my thankfulness at having two beautiful, wonderful, healthy children.

I can barely remember what life was like before Madeline, and I don't want to. A good friend once told me, long before I became a mom, that if I thought I loved Dan, just wait until I had children; it would blow my mind. She was absolutely right.

There is nothing like loving these incredible gifts that God has provided us and watching them grow. They are His, on loan to us and entrusted to our care. He has put them in our safekeeping and is relying on us to direct them, to shape them, to love them unconditionally. I can't think of a responsibility that I would be more willing to accept.

Yes, I know what a blessing it is that we were able to conceive these two angels, that they were born healthy and strong, and that we have the means to take care of them - and then some. God has been so good to us.

Thank you, God, for Madeline and David. I need Your guidance to be the mom You have planned for them. Help us to provide all the love and instruction they need to bring Your plans for their lives to fruition.

November 1, 2011

30 Days of Thankfulness

1 Chronicles 16:34 "Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good; his love endures forever."

Throughout the month of November, I will be counting my blessings and sharing those things for which I am thankful. There may not be 30 posts, but there will be 30 blessings posted here (at least).

Today, I'm thankful for my husband. I don't say it enough, and I certainly don't tell him enough, but I am so grateful for a husband who genuinely loves me and our children, and shows it every day.
I was so worried for so many years that I was going to be the proverbial "old maid" who lived alone with 137 cats. I even had a pastor tell me once that she didn't see me as being married; she saw me as a wise old woman who lived in a remote village and helped others with their children. I still don't know what vibe I was exuding to make her think that.
Now, I'm forever and profusely thankful that God always knows better than I do. God knew that I wouldn't be happy with just any man. So, He set aside a husband who treats me as his equal, who respects me, who sees more good in me than I see in myself.
God set aside a husband for me who takes care of me and our kids when we're sick, who puts the needs of his family before his own wants.
I couldn't ask for more. I couldn't love him more.

Thank you, God, for Dan and for knowing me better than I know myself.