April 25, 2012

Spreading the Word

We haven't had a whole lot to report this week. No one's eye has been injured, no one cut their thumbs on a jelly jar, and we haven't had any doctor appointments. Dan and I are fine, the kids are wonderful and beautiful, as always.
Since I didn't have a real update for you, I thought I'd share some wisdom and goings-on from other bloggers that I found interesting or useful.
I'll start with the fun stuff.

Going to the beach and need a good book? Itching for a little escape during nap time? Or, are you just someone who feels naked without a book to read? I've been there. But, now, I can go to Leatherbound Reviews and find exactly what I need. Yes, that's right, folks. Named by my husband and beautifully written by my fabulous friend, Jakki, Leatherbound Reviews is the perfect blog to visit for all your book review needs. From Jane Austen fan fiction, to chick-lit, to mysteries, Leatherbound Reviews tells me what I need to know. Don't make the costly, time-consuming mistake of buying a book only to find that you despise all the characters and the plot is a big, fat cliche. Go to Leatherbound Reviews first! (Insert cheesy winking nerd giving a thumbs-up.)
I'm thinking of abandoning any future teaching pursuits to write infomercials. What do you think?

The next one is, I feel, an important read for all moms of little girls because, well, there are always going to be mean girls and we need to know what to tell our daughters when they encounter one - and they will because the mean girls are not picky about whom they torment. They don't all look like Regina George or Heather Chandler. They're not always the most popular girls in school. And, they don't always get over it. Sometimes, 35-year-old women girls still have enough of that adolescent insecurity to need to judge other women's weight, or style of dress, or house, or job, or the way they parent their children. And, if we equip our daughters with the strongest tools they can use to deal with the mean girls now, they will be confident enough to be who they are without needing the approval of the mean women  girls later.

And, lastly, this is just a blog I read a lot because she brings up some interesting parenting topics and she's an entertaining writer. I didn't enjoy the post about Madonna all that much, but the ones about the Mommy Wars (yes, please stop!) and helicopter parents got my attention. Sweet Pea and Baby D, I promise that when your middle school boyfriend/girlfriend breaks up with you, I will not call their parents to demand an explanation. I'm pretty sure you're not going to spend the rest of your life with someone you liked when you were 11.

I'll let you know if anything fun happens around here. Until then. happy reading!

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