April 5, 2012

Is it really April??

Where did March go??

Here it is April 5 and I've let an entire month go by without updating you on my fabulous babies! I mean, I've posted pictures, but it's not the same as giving you the lowdown on all the exciting happenings at Head Manor.

Again, I'm feeling like public enemy number one, alias Bad Mom, for letting you know every time Sweet Pea sneezed and not even giving you weekly updates on our happy, laughing boy. Baby D (I'm probably going to have to change his nickname when he gets a little older) is still such a smiling, giggling joy to have around. He really is a sweet, cuddly little guy. I never new another man could make my heart pitter patter like that...you know, other than Dan. Here's a brief list of things that make his precious face light up like the 4th of July:
1. I enter the room.
2. Dan talks to him.
3. Madeline enters the room.
4. Madeline looks at him.
5. He hears Madeline's voice.
6. The offer of food.
7. Singing to him.
8. Playing "This Little Piggy."
9. Reading to him. (As Mommy dances a happy little jig)
10. Bouncing in the Jumperoo or on my lap.

Those are the few that come immediately to mind. He has this adorably high-pitched chuckle that is reserved for special events, like when I lift him over my head and make faces at him.

He's so active and loves to play. He and Sweet Pea are very different in that way. She has always liked to play, but in a more quiet, reserved way. She is still perfectly content to sit on the floor, "reading" to her dolls. Baby D, however, has to bounce and move at all times, unless he's sleeping. If I put him down for tummy time, he looks like a turtle that's been flipped onto its back. His arms and legs flail and push and he gets so frustrated that he can't go anywhere. I fear for my bookshelf and my fireplace screen when he figures out the whole crawling thing.

Sweet Pea is just that - my little Sweet Pea. Her vocabulary continues to astound me, as does her grasp on things that I didn't think she would get yet. Yesterday, in the car, she said, "Yook at all da cheez (trees), Mommy! God made it!" What does a mom do in that instance but smile and say, "Yes, baby. God did make those trees." She later went on to tell me all the people God made, which was pretty much everyone she's ever met.

She's still such a good sister to Baby D. If he cries, she reaches out, pats his hand, and says in a soft voice, "I know, Dabid. I know. It's OK." It warms my heart when I see her sitting on the floor with her baby dolls, picking them up one by one and saying things that I say to her and Baby D. "Good mohnin', baby! You hungy? Time fa beksis (breakfast)!" or "It's OK, baby. I know you tiyad (tired). We go uptairs and take a west, den you feel bedda."

Have I mentioned, lately, that I adore my kids?

I pray for both my children daily, and the prayer that I send up most is that they will use their own hands and feet to be His hands and feet. I also pray that they will always feel loved and that they will share that love by being compassionate to other people and animals, and to the rest of God's creation. I hope the love they're showing each other in their toddlerhood and infancy, is a good sign of answered prayers to come.

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