December 29, 2011

Christmas 2011

We hope all of you had an awesome Christmas, because we sure did! We drove up to visit Dan's family in South Carolina on Christmas Eve and returned to Birmingham this afternoon. Instead of giving you a detailed description of the entire holiday experience, I will now regale you with a photo narrative. If you're reading this, I already assume you're interested in what happens in our lives, so enjoy!
"OOh! A ball with beads thingy! I didn't have one of those in the womb!"

Baby Lawson, our favorite boy cousin.

Opening presents with the girl who refused to wear her lovely bow.

Uncle Ben practicing for the sweet bundle he and Aunt Elizabeth are expecting in April. We're expecting a lot from you, Ben. David is reporting back to us on how you performed.

I love, love, love this picture. That is pure joy on my baby girl's face. I think she likes the tricycle Santa brought, don't you?

Baby D's first adorably humiliating Christmas outfit. Yep. This one's going in the senior yearbook.

I threw this one in just because I adore my husband. He's such a good dad to our kidddies.

Baby D snuggles with Aunt Elizabeth in an attempt to communicate with Baby Mary Mathews about life on the outside.

Baby D and Lawson, jes' chillin'.

That's all, folks! Next up, New Year's resolutions.

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