December 14, 2011

Look! Up In the Sky!

It's a bird! I'd a plane! No, it's...

My kids.

Let's briefly recap the winter and spring seasons of 2010 and 2011. Madeline was pretty much average for her age until she was about 6 months old. Then, she started getting tall. Really tall.

By the time she was 18 months old, she was half my height. I'm talking waist-high, folks. Yes, I realize I'm only 5 feet 4 inches tall, but that's average, for heaven's sake!

Fast forward to this morning.

This was the eight-week appointment for Baby D and the two year appointment for Sweet Pea.

At eight weeks old, David is already in the 70th percentile for length (height), and Madeline is now half Dan's height. The girl is over three feet tall!!

I know it's hard to believe, but all through elementary school I was just a smidgen taller than the other kids in my class. That came to a halt in middle school.
Dan's mom has a picture of his kindergarten class Christmas program, and Dan looks like a chaperone.

I'm going to need a mini-van for no reason other than that my children are going to burst through the roof of my Honda Accord.

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