November 24, 2009

Countdowns All Around!

Countdown to Thanksgiving - 2 days!  I hope everyone takes a minute to pray for traveling mercies for those who will be commuting long distances for turkey and family time.  We have so much for which to be thankful, especially this year!

Countdown to Madeline's due date - 12 days! Not even two weeks, folks! I wonder if she's itching to see us as much as we are itching to see her?

And, with the help of my friend Cindy's blog, I had a realization this morning: Countdown to Christmas - 30 days! Wow. We only have 30 days until Christmas. And this one will be the best yet because our little girl will be here to share it with us!

Lots of excitement over the next few weeks!!



Cindy said...

Amazing that Christmas is so close, eh? (oops, I am lapsing into Canadianisms with the "eh" and yes Canadians really do say it a lot).

12 days? Ethan was two days old already at 12 days before my due date. She could come anytime, have that bag packed for the hospital!

Nancy M. said...

Ooh {Squeal} (There i go squealing again! Where did that come from??)
I can't wait to see pix of Madeline's 1st Christmas!!! It's gonna be soooo fun!!!

Happy Thanksgiving, Heather!
So many blessings this year!!

Rachael said...

This will be the most whirlwind holiday season yet! When Madeline gets here, you'll blink and she'll be 3 weeks old and it'll be Christmas! Then you'll blink again and she'll be 3 MONTHS old...and it doesn't seem to stop. I know you'll love every second, but do try to remember to write (or type!) some of it down. It goes so quickly!

Many hugs this way for a Happy T-Giving and happy "Birth" day to come :-)