November 19, 2009

More Old Wives' Tales

This time, they're about inducing labor.

Since the baby is full term now, and since some of the legends held true when it came to predicting her gender, I thought I would experiment a little.

JUST KIDDING! I'm not going to start jumping up and down the stairs. I don't think I could if I wanted to. But, here are a few I discovered while amusing myself with the vast portal of knowledge known as the internet.

  • Eggplant - had it for dinner last night. Still pregnant.

  • Raspberry tea - hmm. Haven't tried that one, but it sounds tasty!

  • Castor oil - I could be 11 months pregnant and would still not do this one.

  • Walking - I'm still ambulatory, so I do this every day. Still pregnant.

  • Spicy food - again, something I consume on a regular basis. Nothing.

  • Accupressure in the feet & ankles - had a pedicure yesterday. Maybe not aggressive enough?

  • Sex - Um...

  • Black cohosh - I'm not even sure what that is.

  • Pineapple - sounds yummy! I don't think it's going to induce labor, but it would be a nice snack.

  • Walking up and down stairs - since I'm still waiting for that darned teleporter to be delivered, that's how I get to and from the bedroom, laundry room, and baby's room.

  • Curry - ick.

  • Visualization and hypnosis - are you kidding me?

So, this is what I've found so far. Anyone have anything different? Do you know anyone who swears by any of these, or something else? I would love to hear more!





Cindy said...

I found that having dinner with my inlaws worked...not sure if it was the stress of time with the mother in law or what but my water broke with both kids, just hours after eating dinner with her!!!! LOL No joke!

And yes, the SEX thing does work.

Rachael said...

I had a pedicure the day before my water broke, but I think I had been in labor for a day or so already. LOL

Red raspberry leaf tea helps tone your uterus to help you during and after delivery. I drank it before Lilah was born. Can't say that it helped me go into labor or anything. :-)

I've heard to definitely NOT do the castor oil, because it works by giving you intestinal cramps that aggravate your uterus enough to start contracting.

The one that I hear works most from both L&D nurses and natural birth peeps, though, is nipple stimulation :-)