November 15, 2009

Birthing Class

We spent all day Saturday (and I mean all day, from 9am to 4pm) in a birthing class, followed by a tour of the hospital. By the time we got home, I had decided that I no longer have any desire to give birth.

Oh, it's not that I was ever unaware of what would happen. I'm a big girl. I know where babies come from. I don't like thinking about, hearing about, seeing, or having any knowledge of medical procedures. It really creeps me out. I can't watch medical dramas like ER, or almost any show on Discovery Health because it gives me the heebeejeebees when they start describing  weird things that are growing on people, or the procedures they use to cure some of these bizarre ailments.

You can imagine my chagrin when they began to pass around medical equipment and tell us how it would be used during labor and delivery, complete with video footage in case we didn't understand just by hearing her detailed explanations.

"This is the tube that will be inserted into your spine." (shudder)  Stitches, and tubes, and needles - Oh, my!! (cringe)

And, don't even get me started on the 12-step, 30-minute process involved in the simple act of going potty.

So, here's my new birth plan. Get the child out of me however you need to, make sure we're both healthy, but please do not feel that you have to share what you're doing, where you're putting whatever that is, or why you're doing it. I'll feel better not knowing.

3 more weeks!





Cindy said...

I never took birthing classes....for that reason!!!!! Listen up now, very carefully.....I had what they call "difficult" deliveries with both kids BUT to me it was what it was and I look back rather fondly as I recall events. When Madeline is two you will not remember any of the "ugh" stuff the same way you will remember the actually awesomeness of the event.

Rachael said...

And that right there is why I had my baby with midwives at a birth center. Just reading that gave me hives! LOL

I was telling a friend today that the unknown is very scary, but sometimes the known is way scarier. LOL But don't let them scare you, girl! We ladies have been having babies since LOOONG before they had any of that equipment, you just keep that in mind if you start to doubt yourself or your ability to get Miss Madeline out the "door"!