August 2, 2009

The Full Babies R Us Experience

As you may know, I am addicted to checklists. I like lists of any kind, really, but checklists are a particular favorite. I really don't see how anyone stays organized or gets anything done without them. So, imagine my joy when I discovered a personalized pregnancy checklist online! It has everything from what appointments I should make, when we should buy what, and when to start thinking about fun stuff like showers. This week, baby registry was on the checklist. As any good list maker/follower would do, we headed to Babies R Us first thing Saturday afternoon to start a registry for everything Madeline should ever need for the rest of her natural life - or at least the first couple of months.

Holy overwhelming experience, Batman! When we went to the front desk, they were very friendly and provided us with...get ready...Yep! Another checklist! Woohoo! This checklist guided us through aisle after aisle after long, necessity-packed aisle. All items on the list are labeled "must haves," even though many of the items repeat themselves. I assume that doesn't mean we need more than one Pack N' Play or 6 outfits in which to bring her home.

After agonizing over whether or not the baby will have sensitive skin like mine or be tall like Dan (so should we get the sensitive skin diaper rash ointment? Will these onesies even fit? How many thermometers do we really need?) we made our way to the baby girl bedding to pick out our nursery decor. Yuck.  Is there any reason that the manufacturers of nursery bedding think that all baby girls have to sleep in 8 shades of pink with grinning butterflies and cartoon characters? Is it too much to ask for some polka dots or gingham? Not that I have any aversions to pink - I'm pretty girly - but the girl side of Babies R Us looks like a wall of Bubblicious.

Needless to say, we left Babies R Us with our free gift, sore feet, and a mostly checked-off list of "must haves." Despite the disappointing selection in bedding, we both thought this was even more exciting than registering for wedding gifts (although that was great, too!) and we can't wait for Madeline to get here and enjoy the things we picked out for her! Ok, she might not like the nasal aspirator that much, but we think she'll like the rest of it.

As far as nursery decor goes, I'm very fortunate to have wonderful friends who look out for me. Fabulous Jenn came through, as always. She sent me a link to a precious, polka dotted crib set and I think that's what we've decided to get! Some polka dots, some cute little giraffe accents, and we're good.

Now that we've started preparing for all the "stuff" we'll need, any suggestions for how to prepare mentally? ;)


Jenn said...

How to prepare mentally?

Don't even try it...

Take each day one at a time and enjoy it! Be flexible - mentally - althogh physical flexibility sure wouldn't hurt...and don't worry over the small stuff!

Rachael said...

Um, can we see, please? Because - if I were on top of things - I would have sent you a picture of one I had seen with cute dots, but I am not on top of things.

But I need a picture of your dots.

I like to visualize people's rooms in their houses. LOL