August 10, 2009

Good Weekend, Great Husband

We had a very nice weekend visiting with family & friends in Alabama.  It wasn't what you'd call a vacation, but I felt like we needed a change of scenery for a couple of days. I know I did.

Have I mentioned, lately, how incredibly wonderful my husband is? Sometimes, I feel selfish for having him. He's smart, funny, selfless, a good provider, always puts the baby's and my needs before his own, and knows the importance of having a Christ-centered life. On top of all that, he's going to be an awesome father. I knew that already, but I had the chance this weekend to see him interact with a new baby cousin, an awesome 10-year-old boy, and a 2-year-old who is the very proof of God's grace.

These are three very different children, and Dan was wonderful with all of them. Seeing him hold baby Ryder, talk to Julien, and play with Addie made me very eager to see the kind of father he's going to be to Madeline.  She's a very lucky little girl.

[caption id="attachment_137" align="aligncenter" width="500" caption="Dan with little Ryder"]Dan with little Ryder[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_138" align="aligncenter" width="500" caption="Dan with the lovely Miss Addie"]Dan with the lovely Miss Addie[/caption]

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