September 7, 2011

More Stuff My Kid Says

Madeline has become quite the little chatterbox. Well, OK, she always was, but now she says little mini-sentences and has gotten so much better at communicating her wants and needs. She fascinates me with things she says, sometimes because it's funny and sometimes because I have no idea where she heard something or how she picked it up so quickly.

For instance, depending on the outfit and whether or not it has a skirt, she may or may not twirl it around and say, "I so piddy!" or "I so cute!" No body image issues for this beautiful girl!

She likes to make lists of people she knows and tell me what they do. "Mommy tee-tee in potty; Daddy tee-tee in potty; PaPa tee-tee in potty..." Get the idea? To that end, she is also pretty nosy and likes to know what people are doing, real or animated. "What Daddy doo-eeng?" "What Mommy doo-eeng?" "What Mickey doo-eeng?"

I think it's kind of sweet when it's night-night time and she doesn't want to go to bed and she snuggles in really close with Dan so he can read her another "tory." And, speaking of books, there was a period of about a week or two when she kept saying a word and I could not figure out what she was saying to save my life. It sounded like the first syllable of shower. And, she would say it over and over again: "Sha-oo. Sha-oo!" I thought the kid was speaking Mandarin and I was about to be incredibly impressed. But, I just didn't understand so we were both getting frustrated with each other and she wasn't getting whatever "Sha-oo" was.
Self. She was saying "self." She says it when I'm trying to do something for her and she wants to do it all by herself, like look at a book or get her own shoes.

Dan is pretty excited that she has invented her own words for football (puttball) and baseball (bahball). In fact, just this morning, she was pointing to the TV and asking for both Mickey and SuperWhy, because those are her current favorites. The conversation went something like this:

"Mickey! Why! Mickey! Why!"
"Do you want to watch Mickey?"
"Do you want to watch SuperWhy?"
"Well, what do you want to watch?"
Are you kidding me with this one???

Other phrases she has recently added to her repertoire are:
"Nope! I don't sink so!"
"Where Daddy?" usually followed by, "Daddy pizza?"
"PaPa has a hat!"
"We go Mayin's house!" (Mayin = Madeline)

I'm sure there are many others that just aren't popping into my head right now. I really love this kid.

Now, I must go. Madeline is napping like an angel and Pretty in Pink is on. I could, and probably should, go put laundry away and vacuum the living room. But...Pretty in Pink is on!

P.S. I guess Baby D____'s name is officially official, since we have had it monogrammed on a pillow, but Dan still wants me to keep it to myself. I'm not really sure why, but he doesn't want to reveal the baby's name until some joyous day in mid-October. I, however, have a very difficult time keeping a secret.

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