September 3, 2011

It's Football Time!

Yes, folks! It begins today. Today marks the beginning of wearing houndstooth, eating football food, and hearing "Yea, Alabama" every Saturday.

Now, we all know that I don't even do a good job of pretending to understand how football works. If you say the words first down in my presence, my mind will automatically go to the soft feathers on a baby duck. But, I looooove this time of year. Don't tell Dan, but I secretly like it when he watches football on TV (in moderation). I don't get why he watches a game more than once, or why he feels the need to recap the game he just attended with his friends that he was just sitting with, but he probably doesn't understand how I can watch the Harry Potter movies 100 times without getting bored, either.

I like the sound of marching bands, particularly ones of the Million Dollar variety. I like the noise of a crowd that's high on adrenaline. I want my alma mater to win. It's a school spirit thing. And, perhaps more importantly, I really like nachos. With jalapenos. And sour cream. Oh, sorry. I had a pregnancy-induced digression.

So, bring on football season. And, while I know that my saying "Roll Tide" is a little like Dan wearing a Beatles t-shirt, I'll say it anyway. Roll Tide!

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