September 20, 2009

Making Progress

We took a trip to Birmingham this weekend and looked at several potential places to which we might want to bring little Madeline home.  We saw a couple of so-so houses, a few that made us cringe, and one that we both really like. All we need now is to hear back from the woman to make sure it's still available. We're keeping good thoughts about it and hoping it comes through!

I also found a new doctor. I made the appointment on Thursday and on Friday a friend gave the new doc rave reviews. :)

Now, we just need to find a new church, an new hairstylist, and a new favorite place to meet friends for dinner/coffee.

It's all coming together!


Cindy said...

I am so glad it is all coming together!!!!!

Cindy Blake (Mom) said...

It felt so good to be able to drive less than an hour and see my daughter again. I am so excited to have you back home!