September 27, 2009

30 Weeks

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Wow. Am I really at 30 weeks already? Really?? We really only have 10 weeks left. I have 10 weeks to get even bigger.

I love this dress. It's a very neat, 1940's style dress that Dan picked out for me the first time we went shopping for maternity clothes. I've only been able to wear it twice, though, because until a few weeks ago it was huge on me. Um, that's not really a problem anymore.

This is also the last picture we'll take in this house. There will be plenty of pictures to come of the new living quarters as we count down these last 10 weeks!

September 25, 2009


Let's refer to the trusty checklist, shall we?

  • Find place to live - check.

  • Make appointment with new doctor - check.

  • Start packing - check.

  • Arrange for TV people to come - check.

  • Change of address with post office - check.

  • Start visiting with friends for the last time before we move - check. :(

Even though I often try to resist it, change is good, and all the forthcoming changes are positive ones. It will be so hard to leave the people we have come to love so much here, but we know that God is leading us in the right direction.

There will be so many incredible changes coming our way over the next couple of months. We can't wait to relish every single one!

September 22, 2009

Welcome Autumn!


Today officially marks the first day of fall, 2009.  Do you have any idea how excited I get about fall every year?

This is absolutely my favorite time of year. Good things happen in fall. Halloween and Thanksgiving happen in the fall, and you know what that means? Candy, costumes, pumpkin pie, and Charlie Brown.

Fall is football season. You don't have to be a great sports fan to get the appeal of an adrenaline rush on a cool, autumn day (and nachos). Believe me.

No more sweating bullets on the way to your car, or second degree burns from touching your steering wheel. Nope.  Summer is gone. It is time to put away the flip flops and break out the boots, to exchange tank tops for pretty, colorful sweaters.

I could go on about the rich, bold fall colors for days. Everything starts to smell like cinnamon and apples, like something wonderful is just about to come out of the oven. Even the food tastes better in fall.

 Dan and I met in the fall. You know what else? Our sweet baby girl is coming this fall.

It just keeps getting better and better.

September 20, 2009

Making Progress

We took a trip to Birmingham this weekend and looked at several potential places to which we might want to bring little Madeline home.  We saw a couple of so-so houses, a few that made us cringe, and one that we both really like. All we need now is to hear back from the woman to make sure it's still available. We're keeping good thoughts about it and hoping it comes through!

I also found a new doctor. I made the appointment on Thursday and on Friday a friend gave the new doc rave reviews. :)

Now, we just need to find a new church, an new hairstylist, and a new favorite place to meet friends for dinner/coffee.

It's all coming together!

September 17, 2009

How exciting!

My dear friend, Jakki, delivered her beautiful, eagerly awaited baby girl this afternoon.

Aubrey Mae Leatherberry was born a little after 1 pm, weighing 7lbs 2oz.  I'm sure big brother, Luke, can't wait to play with his new baby sister!

Congratulations, Sam & Jakki! We love you and are so excited for the sweet addition to your family!

September 14, 2009

28 Weeks

I had my 28 week doctor visit this morning and got a surprise look at little Madeline! There was a sales rep at the office who was demonstrating a new ultrasound machine, and my doctor asked me if I minded being a guinea pig. Of course I didn't mind at all!

So, while the doctor learned how to use the new machine, I got to look at our baby girl for half an hour or so. As you can see below, the picture isn't quite as clear as some other 4D ultrasound pictures, but the doctor was learning to use this machine for the first time so we'll cut him some slack.

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I also have to go back on Wednesday for another glucose screening. Not fun, but I'm sure it will be fine.

My next task is to find a doctor in Brimingham. The search is on!

September 13, 2009

Holy. Cow.

Yup, it just hit me.

Sometime between yesterday afternoon and this morning, it occurred to me that in less than 3 months - that's less than the time it takes for a jar of salsa to expire - I will be someone's mother.

In May 2008, I went from Miss Lietch (and Leche) to just plain Heather again. Eight months ago, I enthusiastically traded in Heather for Mrs. Head.  In just a couple of months, I will go from Mrs. Head to Mommy.

And, nothing could make me happier.


September 9, 2009

The Blanket Game

I'm sure every new mommy and mommy-to-be has her own interpretation of all the wonderful, amazing phenomena that accompany pregnancy. Everyone experiences it differently, but even the shared experiences are described in very different ways.

It cracks me up to watch my belly move as Madeline performs all the dances from West Side Story in there. But, it reminds me of something else that used to make me laugh. Most of you know that before we went to Australia, I had the greatest, most loving dog in the world. Her name is Bessie and she is in the capable care of my mom now. Anyway, Bessie and I used to play "the blanket game," during which I would toss a blanket over her so that she was completely covered and watch her turn and jump around, trying to find her way out.  When she finally made it out, she would run around the house once, then come back, sit, and wag her tail so I would do it again. :)

Watching my belly move reminds me of watching Bessie hopping around, trying to escape the blanket.

Believe me, I am under no delusion that Madeline is going to have a quick run and expect me to put her back in once she escapes my body.

It would be interesting to hear if other mommies compared their active bellies to anything while watching them move.

P.S. On an entirely different, more festive note, Dan's brother is celebrating his 28th birthday today. Happy Birthday and lots of love to Uncle Michael!!!

September 5, 2009

A Little Snug

OK, I'll admit it.  This t shirt is slightly tighter than last year at this time.

[caption id="attachment_188" align="aligncenter" width="438" caption="27 Weeks"]BellyShots 047[/caption]

What? You think just because I don't always understand what's happening on the football field that I can't show a little school spirit?

I have a little girl on the way, and I need to set a good example for her. I realize she's not here yet, but she will be soon and it is never too early to begin teaching your children the values that are important to you.  Before we know it, she will be telling us that doggies say WOOF WOOF, cows say MOO MOO, and elephants say ROLL TIDE.  She will watch and learn what all nice Alabama girls know - that on Saturday afternoons from September through November, respectable young Southern ladies slip into something crimson before they put on their lipstick.

From our family to yours, Happy Football Season!

September 3, 2009

We're Moving! Again.

If you've been keeping up, you know that the past couple of years have found Dan in North Carolina, Connecticut, and Ohio before we were a "WE." Then, since I became the permanent tagalong, we have moved to Australia and back to Atlanta since this time last year. Now it's time for another move. Dan has made a career decision that will be taking us to Birmingham, AL within the next few weeks.

As if you couldn't tell by my affinity for fried green tomatoes and the way my eyes get a little misty when I hear Randy Owens sing, "My Home's in Alabama," I am an Alabama girl, born and raised. I mean, Dan lived there for 4 years, but only because he wanted to be educated in the finest institution of higher learning in the Southeast.

Don't misunderstand me - I have LOVED living in Atlanta, have made some wonderful, lifelong friends, and would not trade this experience for anything. But, it will be sort of nice to be back in a place where people know the correct pronunciation for towns like Arab and Leroy. From now on, when I would like for someone to repeat themselves, I can say, "Do what?" without feeling as if I were speaking a foreign language. Yes, I know Atlanta is Southern, too, but there are many non-Southerers who transplanted here and are not culturally Southern. There is a difference.

We really hate to leave our friends behind, but we feel that this is a good decision for us and our growing family. Please remember to keep us in your thoughts and prayers while we make this transition to Sweet Home Alabama.

And, be sure to check back for updates!!


September 1, 2009

I have a feeling...

...that good things are on the way.

"If I rise on the wings of the dawn,  if I settle on the far side of the sea,  even there your hand will guide me,
       your right hand will hold me fast."  Psalm 139:9, 10