November 19, 2013

30 Days of Thankfulness, Part 3

Has it really been 10 days since my last post? When did I become such a slacker?

1. I'm thankful that DWH has the opportunity to look for a job that he finds fulfilling.

2. I'm thankful for good friends who understand my idiosyncrasies and not only endure them, but embrace them and love me because of them.

3. I'm thankful for Sweet Pea's sass, because she wouldn't have such a smart mouth if she weren't such a smart girl.

4. I'm thankful for Little Buddy's adventures in leaping and climbing and scaring me out of my wits, because that means he has a healthy little body to scare me with.

5. I'm thankful that Baby N has taken up residence in my rib cage and enjoys kicking my lungs, because that means he's healthy enough in there to remind me that I can breathe.

6. I'm thankful that we have reliable transportation. I know I do this one every year, but if you've ever owned a car that you had to anoint with holy water every morning just to get it to start because you couldn't afford anything else, you know why this one is such a big deal to me.

7. I'm thankful that God loves us enough to gradually usher in the seasons and to give us the chance to enjoy the beauty of the transition.

8. I'm thankful for a church home that focuses on mission and service, and encourages its members to do the same.

9. I'm thankful for books.

10. I'm thankful for my education. Not something to be taken for granted, folks. Not everyone is privileged enough to have one.

This picture is three years old, but I still love it.

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