October 22, 2012

Moonlighting: A Hodgepodge of Facts About My Kids

Do you know who these people are?
Yes, yes, it's Bruce Willis and Cybill Shepherd. But, do you know what show this picture is from? Moonlighting. Great show. I used to watch it with Grandma before I went to bed. And, please, if you're under 30, do not use the excuse that it was on the air before you were born. So was The Brady Bunch, and I'll bet you've seen that. So, we've established what the actors' names are. Do you remember the characters' names?
Madeline and David.
As I was making breakfast this morning, I realized that I had inadvertently named my children after the good people of the Blue Moon Detective Agency.
I have no idea why it took me over a year to realize I had done this.
Oh, well. There's no going back now and at least we didn't name them Ross and Monica or something. Remember my post back in 2009 about the twins I taught in a workshop, named Ross and Rachael? And, Ross wanted to study dinosaurs.
It could be worse.

Here's my next thing. There still seem to be some people who are confused as to who our kids look like. The cashier at WalMart looked at Madeline and said to me, "She looks JUST like you!" To be fair, she has never seen Dan. Still, I thought I might clear up any mistaken ideas that Sweet Pea looks like anyone but her daddy. (Yes, she still has my lips. The rest of her face is patterned after DWH.)
Here's a picture of Dan & his dad:

And, Madeline at 10 months:

Our wedding picture:
And, Madeline at 9 months:
Any questions about her parentage? No? Didn't think so. That little girl is DWH from her sweet little round head to her above average height.
Now, as for the other one, I can see a little of DWH in his eyebrows and maybe his forehead. But, as far as the rest of his face goes, welll...
Here's my father and me in 1977:
 And, David in 2012:
Baby me:
And, Baby D:
OK, now that that's out of the way, on to the next tidbit of info. I was getting a little concerned about Baby D's speech, or lack thereof. Yeah, I know. Madeline spoke early. Girls talk earlier than boys. Second children tend to say their first words and phrases later than first children. Still, I'm a mom and a worry wart by nature.
The good news is, the boy child seems to have picked up several words all at once.
"Ite" - light (extra emphasis on the "t")
"Day Day" - David. This one is disconcerting only because I once had a student whose name I wanted to pronounce correctly, but he kept insisting that I call him DayDay. I didn't, but since he refused to tell me how to pronounce his name, I called him by his last name. But, I digress.
"Cup" - cup
"Vroom vroom" - That's the sound a car makes. Duh.
I'm so blessed to have these wonderful creatures in my life.
Whoever said "Love doesn't divide, it multiplies," could not have been more right.

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