February 29, 2012

Sniff. Snort. Hack.

David has his first case of the sniffles.
He caught it from me.
I caught it from Dan.
Madeline is peachy keen as of now, and I'm hoping she stays that way.

Baby D, being the happy little love bug he is, has smiled and giggled through the watery eyes and gunky nose. Poor baby. He sounds like a piglet. He didn't like the snot sucker, but who does? I wish you could hear him right now, snoring away like he's trying to suck the paint off the ceiling.

Madeline is such a sweet little helper. She brings me stuff and tries her best to help me feed David. :) She kisses his head to "make him peel bedda." So, so sweet.
She thinks it's hilarious when I blow my nose, though.

I suppose we're quarantined since everyone we know has small children and probably doesn't want our cooties. I don't know, though. I got my cootie shot in, like, 4th grade. How long do they last? Is that a forever thing like polio vaccines, or do you have to keep getting new ones like the flu shot?

I might be a little delirious. Not because I'm contemplating how long cootie shots last, but because I just told you that I think about how long cootie shots last. Thank you , Alka Seltzer Plus!

I should go before the left side of my face, which is leaking, informs the right side of my face that I'm sick.


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