January 7, 2012

"I'm Just a Kid Who's Four..."

If you have a toddler or preschooler, there's an excellent chance that the title of this post just struck a chord of mortal dread and fear in your very soul.

If not, allow me to explain. There is a cartoon, quite popular with the little ones, called "Caillou." I know I've mentioned Caillou (kai - yoo) in previous posts. Madeline is obssessed with the whiny little beast. My dear friend, Jakki, doesn't even want her kids to watch it. I don't blame her. Good heavens, that kid's a big ol' whiner! The newer episodes are not quite as bad, but the original episodes are enough to make a grown-up want to put her head into a blender.

Whining aside, there are some things that I just do not understand about Caillou, his family, and the world he lives in. And, by that, I don't mean Canada. My good friend, Cindy, has assured me that the show is not an accurate portrayal of Canadian life.

I'd like to report Caillou's parents to the local child protective services. The kid lives in Canada and wears shorts and a tshirt every day of his life, even when there's a mighty snow storm outside that causes a power outage. Don't even get me started on his mama's pajama jeans and sweatshirt with a ruffled collar, or her Hillary Clinton circa 1992 headband. The point is, she's wearing warm clothes. So are his dad, his sister, all this friends, his teacher, the next-door neighbor... Do you get where I'm going with this? Doesn't the kid ever get cold like everyone else does?

Speaking of storms, why does Caillou's friend Sarah have to spend the night at his house when the power goes out? She lives next door. Is Caillou's dad too stinkin' lazy to walk her twenty feet to her front door?

Why are there so many redheads in Caillou's life? Now, you all know how much I love (and envy) red hair. But, there's a very small percentage of people in the world who actually have naturally red hair. In Caillouland, his sister, best friend, best friend's mom, his teacher, three kids in his preschool class, and several random people who show up in Caillou's adventures are redheads. I keep expecting to hear someone say, "O'Doyle rules!"

When Caillou goes to play at Clementine's house, why do they have to take the subway there, but it's close enough to walk home?

How old is Rosie, exactly? Sometimes she acts as if she's two-years-old, and sometimes she seems to be no more than nine months or so. And, where the heck is she when Caillou's mom is driving him to and from preschool?

Why do they go on so many picnics? Who has a picnic every week of their lives?

Finally, and prehaps most importantly, why is Caillou's head still slick bald at the age of four??

I'm probably overthinking this, but give me a break. I'm home with a toddler and a baby all day. My thoughts revolve around what they do. I just wish she were this obssessed with Little Einsteins.

Enjoy the clip, if you dare.


Unknown said...

Love it! And I am proud to say that I had no idea Caillou had so many redhead friends or too the subway or that his mom sports a lovely headband! Although, I too have wondered why he does not have more hair at the age of 4. BTW, we were FINALLY able to put Aubrey's hair in some semblance of pigtails the other day!
Have I told you before how much I love your wit and snarky remarks? :) Someone should pay you!

Rachael M. said...

I have similar questions about the family of Sid the Science Kid. Are we supposed to not notice that he's half black and half Jewish? I know they are purple and orange skinned, but I'm serious when I say I'm not stupid enough to miss that Sid's Grandma, who picks him up from school, even though his mom doesn't seem to work, is an old Jewish Grandma. Is it trying to say there something controversial with half black/half Jewish households? Honestly, if you're not going to mask it any better than that, just let kids see half black/half Jewish kids on tv. WTF.

What kind of daycare does he go to where there are only 4 kids in class? And are he and Gabrielle the only non-special needs kids? Because someone needs to test that other girl and Gerald if they haven't already.

And what teacher - EVER - on her day off, goes to watch a production put on by her four students, two of which are most likely special needs?

None. Teacher Susie is a myth.