January 21, 2012

Conversations With Madeline

I used to list words in Madelinese and then translate them for you. Now, the girl speaks in complete sentences and is picking up an everything she hears. I know I've said this before, but at this point, it's probably not a good idea for me to listen to Nine Inch Nails with the kids in the car anymore. I had to tone it down and start listening to the local radio stations (which are horrible, by the way), and save my '90's nostalgia for that once-per-month time I find to be alone in the car.

Anyway, I thought I'd share some of Madeline's latest with you, since I know you can barely sleep at night without knowing every time we eat, sleep, or speak.

Madeline likes to, "Hold Dabid's han'," because, according to her, "We're bess fends." I'm so glad they're "bess fends." Also on the "bess fends" list are Cinderella and Snow White, and Mommy and Daddy.

Every night, our bedtime routine is the same. She takes a bath, gets into her pjs, puts her head on her ladybug pillow (thanks, Aunt Ann!) and snuggles in with her lovey. We read two or three stories and then we say our prayers. The prayer goes like this:
"Deeah God, tank you soooooo much fa' ma fammy, an' ma home, an' ma fammy, an' ma home. I' Jesus name, AY-meh!"
I'm going to make the assumption that you can translate that one on your own. It absolutely melts my heart.
Then, I have to turn on her sleepy time music because if I forget, she yells, "Meesic, Mommy!"
Of course, there are kisses and wishes of sweet dreams, and Madeline tells me, "Don' yet da pa-pas pite!" (Don't let the bed bugs bite.)
The other night, I was trying to be so sweet and tell her night-night. She responded with "Mommy, goff my banket." (Get off my blanket.)
Sometimes, she starts listing all the people who love her, which can take a very long time since she names every family member she's ever met, my friend Nina, her friend Lauren, Lauren's brother, God, etc.

She can actually tell us what she wants now, which is sad because I miss my baby Sweet Pea, but it's making life so much easier!
She can now let me know that she wants "Chee-os and byoobeyyies" for a snack. That would be Cheerios and blueberries. I'm glad I know that kids grow out of substituting "Y" for "L" and "R," otherwise I would be worried.

I'm a little surprised at how well she does with pronouns. Did I say that before? She uses "I" and "me" appropriately most of the time, although she does still say, "Mommy hold you," when she means, "Mommy hold me."

She has remarkably good manners for a two-year-old. Well, at least she does with everyone but me. She says "excuse me," when she wants someone to get out of her way. For me, it's "Move, Mommy!" She is full of "yes, please," and "no, thank you." She also knows the difference between how we behave when playing at home, and when having a meal in a public place. I love it. Good manners are so incredibly important and I hope she carries them with her forever.

Truth be told, Madeline hardly ever stops talking. I tend to be a little more taciturn, so it makes me crazy sometimes, especially when she repeats the same phrase 496 times in a row. But I love to hear her laugh and I LOVE that she is so engaged in imaginative play now! It thrills me to listen to her having a conversation with her dolls (or other toys) and to have her tell me that she's Cinderella and Mommy's a "pincess."

Here are some things we tend to hear at least a few times a week, and I hope you enjoy reading them as much as we enjoy hearing them. Of course, we're her parents so you probably won't, but I can dream of a world where everyone gushes over my children, can't I?

"We go yiberry an' get books, Mommy?"
"Dat's byoo-ful! (beautiful)" Most recently said while gazing upon a cupcake display at the grocery store.
"I go park/chetch (church) an pay wif Ya-Ya! (Lala, aka Lauren.)"
"I yike moah milk, peese."
"I ____ fuhst." Usually at bath time or bed time. She sounds exactly like Forrest Gump when she says, "first."
"I wannnacomewifme." I want to come with me, or, I want to go where you are going. She says it so fast it sounds like one word.
"I helpin', Mommy! I put coze away!" She doesn't actually put the clothes away, but I appreciate the offer.
"Iz pizza night? Daddy bing dinna home?"

There are dozens more, but I'll leave you with those. Stay tuned for a post of David pictures. I would post some new pictures of Madeline, but another one of her favorite phrases is, "No! I no take pick-cha!"
I'll be so glad when this camera-shy business is over.

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