June 4, 2010

What a Great Week!

We have just come home from a wonderful, eventful five days in three states! Unfortunately, we didn't get pictures of all the people we love, but we did manage to take a few. :)

Our excursion began on Saturday when we drove to Atlanta to spend some time with some good friends who will be welcoming a new blessing to their home - and a new friend for Madeline - in November. Woohoo! After a fun visit, it was on to Greenville to spend Memorial Day with family. I ended up having to stick a bow to Madeline's head after the 900th person asked if she was a girl or a boy. (I'll be soooo glad when she gets some hair!)

On Tuesday, we drove up to Asheville for lunch with a great friend whom we haven't seen since our wedding day. Sara is my awesome, hilarious friend who shared a duplex with me a few years ago and survived the rat invasion with me. Uuuuuggghhh! It was great to break bread and catch up with her again. That afternoon, we drove back to Greenville and strolled the campus of Furman University (Grandpa Ken's alma mater), and took pictures of Madeline seeing ducks, swans, and turtles for the first time. She loved the critters, so I think we have pets in our future, much to Dan's chagrin.


But, the original reason for planning our trip was this: Dan's baby sister graduated from high school on Wednesday.

See all the doohickies and doodads adorning her pretty neck? You're looking at a very bright young woman who was a Beta Club Vice President and graduated with a 4.0 GPA, along with some other things I'm probably forgetting. She will be gracing the halls of Clemson University this fall to major in Communication Studies. Congratulations, Aunt Meredith! We're proud of you!

On Thursday, we left early, had lunch with Jakki & her kiddos, and arrived back at our humble abode in the late afternoon. Whew! It was a busy week and we were tired, but totally worth it!

When asked to comment on her favorite part of the vacation, Madeline responded with, "Ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba. Aaaaaahh-bwa-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba." I couldn't have said it better myself, Sweet Pea.


Ann Cochran said...

Thanks for the great pictures of your recent trip and my first glimpse of Meredith in her cap and gown. I ended up with a serious stomach flu Tuesday night, so I guess my appearance in Greenville just was not meant to be. I hope to see you all some other time soon.
Love, Aunt Ann

Rachael said...

AW! We go for a walk at Furman every day that it isn't raining. Wish we'd been in town to snag a visit!!

I'm coming back to bama in July - I need to come see y'all!!