June 7, 2010

No Ordinary Kid for Us!

We all know that Madeline is an extraordinary child (not to sound like one of those my-child-is-GIFTED moms), and it was proven today at her six month checkup.

She's right on target with her motor skills and development, and very well-nourished. VERY well-nourished.

She's in the 95th percentile for weight and as for height - well, they couldn't give me a percentile because she's so tall it was off the chart. Seriously. She's 28 1/2 inches tall and weighs 19.1 pounds. Not to worry, though. Dr. Glasgow says her growth spurts should slow down from now on and everything will even out. Although, she will probably continue to be fairly tall, at least for a while.

So, bring on the comments about our chunky baby! Ask us what we're feeding her! Cleverly observe that she doesn't miss any meals! We will beam with pride at our big ol' healthy baby and squeeze her beautiful, chubby cheeks. :)

How stinkin' cute.


Alyson said...

Absolutely nothing better than a chunky baby!! Fat rolls are adorable - I love squeezin' Caroline's thighs :) Wish we lived closer so the girls could play and we could talk about momma stuff :)

Cindy said...

Honey, if that is all you have to worry about then life is good! My kids were always under the 25%. It was horrible the things people would say about me having tiny children. Be happy she is healthy and has chubby cheeks to kiss!
She is a dolly!

Cindy Blake said...

I think she is just perfect! Perfect size for her age, perfect everything. lol She is just such a happy, healthy baby! Always laughing, always smiling.

Lee Quinn said...

hey Heather...just so you know, I weighed 30 lbs at my 6 month checkup. Your daughter is svelte.