May 3, 2010

Here I Go Again

No, I'm not reminiscing about Whitesnake lyrics. Although, now that I said that, you're probably singing that song and picturing Tawny Katan rolling across the hood of a car, too.

But, I didn't start this post to remember my poor taste in music in 1989. 

While meandering through Publix today, I looked in the cart and wondered who replaced my sleeping newborn with this chubby-cheeked five-month-old who smiles at the little boy pointing at her and announcing, "Baby! Mama, it's a baby!" As I carried her down the stairs this morning, I marveled at how heavy she's getting and how much she looks like a little girl now, and not just any random baby on a Pampers commercial.

She is trying so hard to sit up by herself now. When I put her in her bouncy seat to play, she pushes forward with her elbows so she can sit up straighter. What a cutie!

So, here I go again, wondering what happened to my 7 pound ball of sleepy, yet looking forward to the day I can dress her in smocked dresses with patent-leather Mary Janes and a bow in her perfectly bobbed hair before she receives her very first honor roll certificate. The scenarios will change as she meets each milestone but I know that I will always look back with smiles and look forward to the awesome things God has in store for her.

I tried to take some pretty outdoor pictures today so that I could post them here, but  Heather-in-miniature was not having any of the sun and heat. There will be pictures to post tomorrow, her actual five-month birthday.  Be sure to tune in!

1 comment:

gossamer said...

Poor taste? "Here I Go Again" is a classic! It's only poor taste if you liked the lame radio version with more keyboards than guitars.