July 10, 2009

We have movement! (I think)

I've been wondering for a couple of weeks now whether every little gurgle or bubble I felt was the baby moving. Yesterday, when I was lying on the couch reading, I felt something very different. I've never been a mommy before, so I'm no expert, but if baby movement feels something like a lizard doing The Worm* through your lower abdomen, then we definitely have a little mover in there! Yay!!

*There. I made a tribute to the late Michael Jackson. Happy?


Cindy said...

Isn't that so cool?! A lizard? I always thought it was a fish!!!! LOL

Try something for me....take a bath and move the water to splash around your belly. This use to really make my kids move and they were born loving the bath. I want to see if this works for you or if my kids were just plain weird! That is a possibility!

Rachael said...

I think I once likened it to having a guinea pig in there...but that was later on. When it was early on, it felt to me like I had a muscle twitch, but deep in my stomach. :-D

Exciting times...but if you have a wiggle worm like Lilah, I'll warn you that the BABY'S movement could actually wear you out! I used to just get SO tired

Cindy Blake said...

Yay, movement! And yes, you've made your mother very proud with the tribute to Michael Jackson!

Jenn said...

That little worm will turn into a jack rabbit before long!!!!

Isn't it wonderful?