July 21, 2012

What We're Reading

We've been doing some fun reading here at Head Manor, as of late. Baby D is finally at an age to be interested in looking at the pictures and enjoy having books read to him. (Woohoo!!)
Madeline has, of course, loved books since she was capable of turning their thick, cardboard pages.
So, what are the kiddos reading these days?

Here's a sampling of what we do during the day, and before we go to bed. Does anything look familiar?

Madeline loves Fancy Nancy. She will not go to sleep at night until we read at least one Fancy Nancy book, and she knows which ones she wants each night. She also knows which ones have been returned to the library and what she wants to bring home from our next visit there. Olivia is a favorite, and she has the entire book memorized. (If I were one of those moms, I would tell you she could read it. I'll give you a bit more credit than that.) For obvious reasons, we love Madeline, which she has also memorized. In all these books, she has her personal favorite lines that she likes to recite, so I pause when we get to the "good parts," and let her have her say. She's so dramatic when she says her lines, too. I think we have a future Julie Andrews in our midst. ::sigh:: I love Julie Andrews.

I've been checking out the How Do Dinsosaurs... series from the library and reading them to both kids. David seems to like the pictures and Madeline enjoys reading them. She calls them dragons, not dinosaurs, but whatever. She likes books. Lizards are lizards.

This one is David's favorite. He smiles and giggles when I read it, even if it's bed time and he's protesting sleep. When Madeline was David's age, her favorite was from this same series. I can't blame them. I loved Sesame Street before Elmo existed and when Snuffalupagus was still only visible to Big Bird. (Did you know everyone can see him now??)

So, how about you and your little ones? Read any good books lately?

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