March 26, 2012

I Can See!

I promise I haven't forgotten you. I didn't plan to be remiss in my little bloggy updates. It's just that, well, Madeline scratched my eyball. My cornea, specifically.
That's just as painful as it sounds.
I was putting her into the bathtub, we were playing, she went to touch my face and poked me right in the left eye. It was not pleasant.
After five doctor appointments in four days, some drops, and a little motion sickness, I can see just fine and I can wear make-up again. Yes, folks. I went four days without make-up. Get the smelling salts.

In happier news, Miss Madeline is making progress in the potty department and Baby D is sitting up like a big boy! OK, he can only sit up for a few seconds, but he can do it!

I've been snapping some adorable pictures, though, so I'll post a few later this week.

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