August 12, 2011

Two Things

The first thing is this: I have been TERRIBLE about keeping you updated on baby Hamish's progress. I was so diligent about making sure everyone knew how every doctor appointment went when I was expecting Madeline. I documented every little thing. This time, I just haven't had that kind of time because, well, I have Madeline.

So, I thought I'd give you the latest on the new kid. You'll notice we haven't revealed a name yet. Yeah. Don't get me started.

Today was my 30 week appointment, which means that we only have 10 short weeks to get Madeline's new room cleared out and done, Baby _____'s bedroom stuff purchased and put in place, a firm plan made for Madeline's care when Baby _____ is arriving, and a name set in stone so we can stop calling this poor kid Hamish.  You know me. I'm a planner. I'm in panic mode because everything isn't done yet.

Physically, though, all is well. His heartbeat is perfect, my blood pressure is good, and I've only gained 10 pounds! Actually, I gained 12 and lost 2. I have no idea how, since I am always ravenous and eat almost everything I see, but that's what the scale says.

We'll be sure to let you know when we nail down a name. :)

The second thing is this: Have you seen this??

Maybe it's because I love pictures, but I think it's awesome!

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