November 25, 2010

Madeline's First Thanksgiving!

What a great day of giving thanks!

We began the day with Madeline seeing her first glimpse of the Snoopy balloon making its way through Times Square on the Macy's Thanksgiving parade this morning. (BTW, why do people call it the "Macy's Day Parade?" It's not Macy's Day.)

After Chick Pea's nap, we were off to Tuscaloosa for lunch with my dad at Cracker Barrel. Yes, that's right. We had Thanksgiving dinner in a restaurant. It really doesn't matter where you eat, does it? As long as you give thanks to the One who provided the food?

A visit with my mom and Jamie, a short drive home, and some Charlie Brown Thanksgiving rounded out the evening quite nicely.

We missed our South Carolina family today. :( But, we're hoping to get to spend some time with them at Madeline's first birthday extravaganza next weekend! Oh, all the festivities! Over the next couple of months, we have M's birthday, Christmas, New Year's, our anniversary, and my birthday. Holy cow! I guess we'd better fasten our seatbelts, huh?

Once again, I didn't take nearly as many pictures as I should have, but here are a couple to document Little Chick's first Thanksgiving.

Oh, and Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours!

[caption id="attachment_833" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Sweet Potatoes! Dressing! Pumpkin Pie! YUM!"][/caption]

[caption id="attachment_834" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="She's not walking yet, but she does like to stand by the stairs and peek around at Daddy. :)"][/caption]

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