September 30, 2010


OK, I'm a little behind on blogging. Here it is, almost the weekend, and I haven't even told you about the fabulous weekend we had last week!

We spent last weekend with all our besties. Remember the other Daniel? No, not my cousin's baby. I'm talking about Dan's best man from our wedding. He and his wife are expecting a daughter in November, and her baby shower was Saturday. Coincidentally, it was just two houses down from the house where I used to babysit the 18-month-old vegetarian. Weird, huh?

Angela looks fabulous and we can't wait to help them welcome their baby girl!

After the baby shower, Madeline and I spent the afternoon with Jakki (the Chuck Norris of moms), Sheryl (English teacher extraordinaire and Mominator), and Andrew (the cutie patootie). Madeline was able to reconnect with her friend, Andrew, and I neeeeeeeeded that time with my girls!

[caption id="attachment_734" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Madeline and Andrew"][/caption]

Sunday was fall food night with Kenina. Mmmmm! Chilli with Fritos and apple pie. Not to mention some awesome time with a fabulous lady. I can't even tell you how much she loves Miss Madeline.

Next time on the Head Family, we'll talk about all the fun sounds (words) that Sweet Pea has added to her vocabulary. Uh-oh!!

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