September 6, 2010

Happy Baby!

We spent our Labor Day doing what one does on a day such as this: not laboring. We played with Babyhead, went out for BBQ, shopped a little, played with Babyhead some more, and for our trash TV viewing pleasure, there was a Two and a Half Men marathon on FX.

Have I mentioned to you, faithful reader, that Madeline has never met a stranger? Have I told you that she is almost always smiling, that she's a happy girl who wants to introduce herself to every passer-by, or that she has a great laugh?

We visited one of our favorite BBQ restaurants for lunch today. The cheerful server who took care of us the last time we were there (a few weeks ago) saw our Sweet Pea and declared, "Hey! Happy Baby's back!"

[caption id="attachment_720" align="aligncenter" width="225" caption="Poor quality picture taken with my phone. :)"][/caption]

You have no idea how thrilled I am that we can walk into a place of business and have the people who work there recognize my child as "Happy Baby."

Such a sweet girl. Don't you just want to squeeze her little cheeks?

"A cheerful look brings joy to the heart..." Proverbs 15:30

Happy Labor Day, people! We hope you enjoyed your rest and time with your family!

1 comment:

Cindy S said...

To answer your question....yes I would!