July 8, 2010


I realized that I haven't really posted any updates on what Madeline's been up to, lately. So, here you go:

  • As you know, she won't take a paci, at least in the traditional satisfying-her-sucking-reflex sense. She does, however, like to play with them and has recently been trying to shove two of them in her mouth at the same time. And, by this, I mean the entire paci, not just the part that's supposed to go in her mouth.

  • Her preferred mode of transportation is to roll across the floor, although she has been arching her back and scooting backward to reach her destination, as well. She has also been doing just a little scooting in an almost army crawl, so we think she might be mobile before long. EEEK!!

  • We've been trying a variety of foods with her and she is quite the little foodie. The only thing she has turned down so far is peas. I can't say I'm surprised. I didn't like them until I was 30.

  • After visiting several possible child care prospects for August, we have finally decided on a place that looks wonderful. It's very close to home, Dan's office, and the pediatrician. It's very clean and secure, and it looks like a lot of fun for her. They even have a video monitor that will allow me to log in from my computer and check on her any time I want during the day! I think she'll be happy there! :)

  • She is finally starting to get some hair! It's just duck fuzz, but it's hair. It won't be long before that pretty little head will be adorned by ribbons, bows, and barrettes.

  • She will soon have outgrown her little car seat in which we brought her home :( and we'll be buying her a big girl seat. Sigh.

That's all for now. Tune in next time for Adventures in Madeline's World!

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