May 2, 2014

Say What?

I always used to write about the cute ways Sweet Pea pronounced words, but I have been neglectful in recording those things for Buddy. Mom of the year, folks.
I hope you are as amused by these as we are.

"Mennerade": Lemonade. As in, "I have some mennerade wif my famwich? Peez, peez?"
"Yes, it doesn't": No.
"No, I am!": No.
"Yes, I not!": No.
"Mah-Win": Madeline
"Ollange": Orange
"El-woe": Yellow
"Squirrled": Scored
"Pillow": Could be pillow. Could be Pluto. Sometimes we have to clarify.
Speaking of pillows, he is as attached to his pillow as Sweet Pea is to her lovey. He carries it with him everywhere and chews on the corner. So, so sweet. I really just want to gobble him up.
"Grill": Girl. Now, this one has been confusing not only for us, but for Buddy himself. Hence, the following conversation -
Me: "Do you want to try a grilled cheese?"
Buddy: "No! I want a boy cheese!"
Which brings us to our final word, which is,
"Yuck!": Any food that is not a pb&j or fruit. Of these two, the child eats only enough to keep himself alive, no matter how much we try to encourage him to eat or to try new things. He even refused a marshmallow I tried to give him.
He has picky eaters on both sides of his family, but he also has people who are obsessed with food on both sides. And, of the picky eaters, trust me, we still love to eat.

So, that's what it's like to talk to our middle child. Our wonderfully sweet, affectionate, intelligent, rambunctious middle child.
Don't you just want to squeeze him?

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