January 1, 2011

2010: The Year of Firsts

It's time to say goodbye to 2010, the year of so many "firsts" that will never happen again, but we're so excited that they did. I'll list a few here, but there are so many that I'm sure I'll leave some out.

January brought us Madeline's first smile, our first wedding anniversary, and Dan's first trip to a National Championship football game.

 There was a first tooth, followed by a second, third, fourth, and fifth. My personal favorite was the first word (dada, of course) followed VERY closely by the second (duck) and many more to be discussed in a later post. The first laugh has grown into a red-faced, belly chuckle that I absolutely LOVE!

We had a first trip to Greenville to visit family, then in March we had a first visit to Charleston (for both Madeline and me) when Uncle Ben and Aunt Elizabeth got married.

There was a first Valentine's Day...

[caption id="attachment_883" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Look how stinkin' small she was!"][/caption]

A first Easter...

A first Fourth of July...

A first Halloween...

A first Thanksgiving...

And a first birthday...

Look how she's grown!!

This was also my first year to have a real Christmas tree. It's my first year teaching in Alabama, as well as my first time teaching seniors. (Wow. That's all I have to say.)

I asked Dan if he had experienced any firsts this year, but he couldn't think of any. Hmmm...I have one! Dan watched The Wiggles for the first time this year. Ha! I knew there was something!

2011 will bring lots more firsts, a million surprises, and countless things for which to be thankful.

As for you, loved one, I hope 2011 brings you everything you've been praying for and more. I want you to have true joy. I hope your burdens are lightened. I pray that you laugh more than you cry. I want you to know that you are loved this year.

Love, peace, blessings, and a Happy New Year!!!

The Head Family

“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!” - II Corinthians 5:17

1 comment:

Cindy said...

My word time has gone by fast! Kids grow so quickly! She is precious and the fact that she is loved so much shows on her face.
Happy New year!