October 27, 2010


I am, admittedly, a germaphobe. I disinfect my kitchen every night. I carry anti-bacterial wipes in my purse, and use them frequently in public places. Public bathrooms creep me out, and dirty bathrooms in houses give me hives. If I touch things that I think might be dirty or have some sort of flesh-eating bacteria (which, in my head, comes from being unwashed) I have a tingling, filthy feeling in whatever part of my body touched that grossness until I scrub it with disinfecting soap.

I know it's irrational, but that's the way it is.

Considering this completely insane fear I have of all things unsanitary, I am writing this post to own up to the hypocrisy of my disdain for people who grow fears from everything they see on TV or read in the grocery store aisle.

I found this funny article in Reader's Digest, which highlights the ridiculousness of believing all the media hype that revolves around the next big thing that's going to kill you and your entire family. You know, things like onion dip and staplers.

I had to share.


1 comment:

Alyson Sword said...

So funny and SO true! You know, we carry a small kid potty in the back of our Honda and I often make Ella Jane use it instead of the public bathroom. Seriously, we've been in the middle of a meal and I've taken her out to the car and let her use the bathroom because I knew it was cleaner!! We have it down to a science and when M gets to that point, let me know and I'll share all the good secrets we've learned to making it as fast and easy clean-up as possible. I about DIED the first time I took EJ to a public bathroom and she put her hands on the seat!! Really, about DIED!