April 9, 2010

Old Friends, New Friends

"Make new friends but keep the old; for one is silver and the other, gold."

Madeline has had the opportunity to make some new friends over the past couple of weeks while I lunched with my old ones. Hmm. I never envisioned myself as a "lady who lunches." Ick. 

Without getting all sappy (because you know that's not my style) about how wonderful my gold level friends are, I will say that it has been wonderful to be able to catch up with Jenn on a regular basis, and I miss Sheryl terribly.

But, Madeline had a good time making some silver friends: beautiful Addie and handsome little Andrew. Very soon, she will get to spend some time with Luke and Aubrey while their mommy and I catch up over lunch and coffee.

OK, bring on the sappy. I miss my Georgia friends like CRAZY and I get all giddy and excited when I know I'm going to get to spend time with them. (And, not just because it's adult human contact!) Not that I love my Birmimgham friends any less - my oldest friend and the woman who introduced me to my husband are here, for heaven's sake - but our faraway friends are loved and missed and I wish we could spend more time with them.

There. I said something all sentimental and junk. Happy?

[caption id="attachment_515" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Getting sweet hugs & kisses from Addie"]Getting sweet hugs & kisses from Addie[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_516" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Andrew wanted a closer look at the little bald baby."][/caption]

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